Tag Archives: heart

I saw you once…

I saw you once,

or was it a dream?

Time collapsed.

All I could hear were screams.

Then out of a shadow,

a figure appeared.

He has your eyes.

I feel you near.

We laugh for a moment,

or was it all night?

My heart felt whole,

until the sun came up.

Let go my heart….

Let go my heart
of days gone past.
Scattered dreams
not meant to last.
Tears have dried
and love awaits
with no restraints
and no regrets.

My heart was blind….

My heart was blind

and could not see

the light was

always inside of me.


A beautiful melody

strums the pain

in her heart.

Averting her eyes…

Averting her eyes

she hopes none can see.

The imaginings of her heart

and where she longs to be.


No greater madness..

No greater madness

can there be;

than the stirrings of the heart

that can never be.


Rationale ruled

over her heart

imprisoning the pieces

of each of her dreams.


The lyrics understood

her heart.

The melody pacified

her soul.


She lost her soul

to the imaginings of her heart.

Never to find solace

in the words that she writes.

Her heart…

Her heart was touched

with a small piece of madness

casting a shadow on her forsaken heart.